Session Format - Full Descriptions

Moderated panel discussion (50-minute session)

In this format, a panel of subject "experts" (and perhaps an additional panel moderator/facilitator) will respond to both prepared and attendee questions.  A typical structure would be

  • A panel member (or non-panelist moderator) introduces the panel and starts things off by asking each panelist to respond briefly (<5 minutes - usually shorter) to a set question.
  • The discussion continues.  It might move straight into questions from attendees - or perhaps panelists first round-robin respond to another question or two.
  • Eventually the discussion shifts into open Q&A from attendees, with questions directed at specific panelists (or to the entire panel)

Panel presentations (50-minute session)

This is the traditional panel, comprising presentations by multiple panelists with a uniting theme.  There's no hard-and-set timing for each presentation (timing in part depends on how many panelists there are).  It is important to leave a dedicated amount of time at the end for Q&A from the audience.  A panel might go like this (just an example):

  • 3 panelists speak for 10-12 minutes each
  • After the final panelist, the remaining time is spent taking questions from attendees

Presentation (50-minute session)

This is a single, longer presentation, presented by one or more speakers. (For example: 2 or 3 speakers might each present sections of a shared, long-form presentation.)  

Again no hard and fast rules, but it's strongly recommended to dedicate 15-20 minutes of the session time to Q&A.

Lightning Talk (5-7 minute presentation)

Conference organizers will group a series of lightning talks into one or more "lightning talk sessions."  Talks may or may not have any thematic connection to each other.  Conference organizers will assign a facilitator for lightning talk sessions.  Faciliators will introduce each speaker and act as timekeepers.  It's really important to keep the "lightning" in lightning talk, as that's the joy of these sessions for attendees (lots of great ideas packed into one session). A dedicated amount of time at the end of each lightning talk session will be held for Q&A.

Interactive workshop (1 hour, 45 minute session - in person/June 13 only)

A workshop can be on any topic, so long as it engages participants with a mix of presentation, activities, and discussion.  There's no one flavor for a workshop, but leaders should build workshop content around participant take-aways/learning outcomes?  What do you hope participants will learn/practice that they will be able to apply to their work?  How do planned activities (including discussions) contribute to your objectives for the workshop?  The more interactive the better!  Workshops will be scheduled in rooms with round break-out tables to support small-group activities.

Poster presentation (in person/June 13 only)

No explanation needed.  There will be a space set aside in the conference venue for poster display during designated sessions.  Please plan to be available during your scheduled time to interact with attendees who may have questions about your work!

Note: the recommended/standard size for a poster presentation is 48” (width) x 36” (height).  [This is a recommendation, not an absolute rule; however, going above/over these measurements risks not fitting on the provided display board.]