Conference Sponsorship

2025 ACRL New England Conference Sponsorship Levels

Gold ($2,000):
 Two free conference registrations for vendor representatives
 Table set up with Internet & electrical access
 Introduced as gold sponsor at morning welcome
 Logo and gold designation on all nametags
 Full-page (8.5” x 11”) sheet of your choice placed in program folders (Deadline: ASAP)
 Brochure of choice may be added to program folders (Deadline: ASAP)
 Acknowledgment in program and Whova as a gold sponsor
 Whova space with gold designation – presence throughout conference

Silver ($1,700):
 One free conference registration for vendor representative
 Table set up with Internet & electrical access
 Introduced as silver sponsor at morning welcome
 Full-page (8.5” x 11”) sheet of your choice placed in program folders (Deadline: ASAP)
 Acknowledgment in program and Whova as a silver sponsor
 Whova space with silver designation – presence throughout conference

Bronze ($500):
 Whova space with Bronze designation – presence throughout conference
 Acknowledgment in program and Whova as a Bronze sponsor

Food (Breakfast, Lunch or Break):

  • Break = $500
  • Breakfast = $1000
  • Lunch = $1500

 Introduced as food sponsor/virtual conference sponsor at morning welcome
 Lunch sponsor – introduced as lunch sponsor at lunch
 Small tent sign on food tables at meal sponsored
 Acknowledgment in program as a food sponsor
 Website link with designation
 Optional Whova space – presence throughout conference

In Kind Gifts: (conference folders, lanyards/Badges, pens & pads, door prizes (e.g. IPAD/IPOD/Nook))