Candidates for Board of Directors 2018
Vice-President/President Elect
Michael Rodriguez
I am honored to have been nominated to stand for ACRL/NEC Vice-President/President-Elect. When I first came to New England two years ago, the Chapter welcomed me with open arms. ACRL/NEC has been my home for professional development and service ever since. I found a dynamic organization and kind, knowledgeable, innovative members. I am excited to serve you. For the past two years I have participated in the Chapter Board of Directors, learning the people and processes. As co-chair of the Electronic Resources Management Interest Group, I organized cost-free webinars and programs and pursued collaborations with other SIGs and NEASIS&T. If elected, my priority is to ensure that our 2019 Annual Conference (in Portland, ME) builds on the Chapter’s tradition of excellence and fiscal sustainability. Concurrently, I would work hard to bolster fundraising and sponsorships, expand member benefits such as scholarships, partner with other regional associations like NELA and NETSL, and promote diversity and inclusion. I would partner with leaders from Chapter committees and interest groups to offer ever-more accessible (low-cost, virtual, and/or geographically dispersed) professional development opportunities, including webinars and meetups. Together we will craft and pursue strategies such that ACRL/NEC continues to flourish for years to come. Thank you for considering me for this crucial role.
Professional activities
- ACRL/NEC - Electronic Resources Management Interest Group, Co-Chair, 2016-present
- Library & Information Technology Association (LITA) – Hi Tech Award Committee, Vice Chair, 2018; Communications & Marketing Committee, social media manager, 2014-2017; Electronic Resources Management Interest Group, Chair, 2017-present
- Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) - Professional Development Committee, member, 2016-present
- Florida Association of College & Research Libraries (FACRL) - Scholarship Subcommittee, member, 2015
Positions held
- Licensing and Acquisitions Librarian, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, 2016-present
- E-Learning Librarian and Assistant Professor, Hodges University, Naples, FL, 2014-2016
- M.S. (Library & Information Studies), Florida State University, Tallahaseee, FL.
- B.A. (History & English), Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, FL.
Kathrine C. Aydelott
I eagerly participate in professional associations but feel that I can best contribute to regional organizations. I have held regional Secretary positions and my organizational and writing skills allow me to best engage professionally in these roles. My current role as NELA Secretary ends this fall and I am seeking to return again to serving an academically oriented library association. ACRL-NEC is my "home" academic librarianship organization, and I welcome the opportunity to serve in this capacity.
Professional activities
- ACRL-NEC member 2005 - present
- ACRL-NEC New England Library Instruction Group (NELIG) member 2010-present; Secretary-Elect 2012; Secretary 2013-14
- New England Library Association (NELA) Secretary 2016-2018
Positions held
- Information Literacy Librarian, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 2014-present
- Instructional Services Librarian, Phillips Academy, Andover, MA, 2009-2014
- MLIS, Simmons College
- PhD (English), University of Connecticut
- MA (English), University of Connecticut
- BA (English & Philosophy), Colby College
Erin Jerome
Since my arrival at UMass Amherst as the Open Access & Institutional Repository Librarian in May 2016, I have been seeking ways to become more involved in the library community beyond my home institution. Prior to joining the Scholarly Communication department at UMass, I worked for Library & Technology Services at Brandeis University where I really did not have as many opportunities to interact with libraries and librarians outside of the Boston Library Consortium. After working closely with the ACRL New England Chapter’s Open Access Repository (OAR) group to help establish a repository and proposal submission tool for the annual conference in ScholarWorks@UMassAmherst and serving as Junior Vice Chair of the Scholarly Communication Interest Group since August 2017, I found myself wanting to continue making contributions to the Chapter. Running for Secretary of the ACRL New England Chapter Executive Board is the perfect opportunity for me to do more.
As a librarian whose primary focus is to make scholarship, in whatever form it takes, as open and accessible as possible, I would operate under those same principles in my role as Secretary. Executive Boards for organizations like ACRL/NEC are often rather mysterious to the rest of its members and, as Secretary, I would like to make the board’s processes as transparent as possible through the use of the newly revamped website. With my professional focus on the open dissemination of information, I believe I have the experience to successfully contribute to this position. I look forward to expanding my participation in the Chapter.
Professional activities
- ACRL/NEC Scholarly Communication Interest Group, Junior Vice Chair, 2017-present
- Institutional Repository Managers Forum, manager/founding member, 2017-present
Positions held
- Open Access & Institutional Repository Librarian, UMass Amherst, Amherst, MA, 2016-present
- Access and Commons Services Lead, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, 2013-2016
- Public Services Coordinator, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, 2010-2013
- Ph.D. (Musicology) Brandeis University
- M.F.A. (Musicology) Brandeis University
- B.A. (Music) Wesleyan University
Treasurer Elect/Treasurer
Lauren Slingluff
I have begun to realize that while I contribute greatly in my position at my institution I am not sufficiently contributing to the field of librarianship and the professional organizations I am a member of. Given my experience of being a treasurer for another organization, it is an area in which I feel comfortable potentially serving while I identify other ways in which I might be able to support ACRL/NEC and the community of academic librarians in New England.
Professional activities
- ACRL/NEC - member 2011-Present
- Oberlin group member 2017- Present
- Phi Beta Kappa, Kappa of Massachusetts: Member 2011-present; Treasurer 2017-Present
- Higher Education Library Information Network, Board of Directors 2016-Present
Positions held
- Wheaton College, Norton MA: Social Sciences Liaison, Sept. 2011-Nov. 2015; Director of Library Collections, Nov. 2015-Feb. 2017; Associate Dean of Library Services, Feb. 2017-Present; Interim Dean of Library Services, July 2017-Present
- Bristol Community College (Attleboro Campus), Librarian, Aug. 2010-Sept. 2011
- MS (Library Science) Simmons College
- BA (Religious Studies and Women and Gender Studies) St. Lawrence University
Maine State Representative
Karl Maria Fattig
My hope is to be a liaison and conduit between the Maine academic library community and the ACRL/NEC Executive Board. I have worked in Maine since roughly 1994, and want to give back to the profession that has given me so much. My goals for the next two years would include connecting with the nascent MLA academic librarians initiative, continuing to communicate via MELIBS and the Maine Academic Librarians listservs, supporting the chapter annual meeting coming to Maine in 2019, and working with the other state representatives to document our initiatives.
Professional activities
- ACRL/NEC Executive Board, Maine representative, 2014-18
- New England Technical Services Librarians, President, 2002-03
- New England Library Association, Conference Planning Committee, 2002-03
- ALA/ACRL/WESS, Conference Planning Committee, 1996-97
Positions held
- Systems and Digital Initiatives Librarian, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME 2006-present
- Technical Services Manager / Catalog Librarian, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME 2000-2006
- M.L.S. (Library Service) University of Alabama.
- M.A. (French) University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill.
- B.A. (French and German) University of Alabama.
Lauren Gargani
When I was new to New England and to professional librarianship, ACRL/NEC offered a welcome way to connect with my colleagues in the region. I was glad to find an organization committed to providing meaningful professional support as well as engaging programming on a broad spectrum of issues related to academic librarianship. Each of the robust annual conferences I have attended since then has left me with ideas that have contributed to my development as a librarian. I would be proud to serve as Maine’s state representative to ACRL/NEC, as I know firsthand how important its work is to its members. I look forward to the opportunity to participate more actively in the organization, and to give back to a group that has provided me with so many valuable opportunities over the years.
Professional activities
- ACRL/NEC, Member, 2012 - present
- Maine Library Association, Member, 2017 - present
- ALA, Member, 2010 - present (not continuous)
Positions held
- Maine Maritime Academy, Castine, ME, Library Director, 2016 - present
- Maine Maritime Academy, Public Services Librarian, Castine, ME, 2011 - 2016
- Washington & Jefferson College, Pitt Partners Intern, Washington, PA, 2009 - 2010
- M.L.I.S. University of Pittsburgh
- M.A. (English) Ohio University
- B.A. (Literature) Ramapo College of New Jersey
Rhode Island State Representative
Rachael Juskuv
I'm interested in contributing to ACRL/NEC and representing ACRL/NEC to the academic library community. I am an enthusiastic community connector and enjoy working with my peers.
Professional activities
- ACRL/NEC Scholarship Committee 2016-2018
- NEASIST Programming Committee Co-Chair 2017-2018
- RILA Communications Co-Chair 2015-2017
Positions held
- Bryant University, Smithfield RI, Public Services Librarian 2015-2017; Research & Instruction Librarian 2017-Present
- North Scituate Public Library, Reference 2011-2015
- Bryant University, Certificate of Applied Analytics
- University of Rhode Island, Masters in Library and Information Science
- Franciscan University of Steubenville, BA in Journalism
Vermont State Representative
Dan DeSanto
The New England Chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries traditionally draws the majority of its membership from the Massachusetts and Rhode Island area; however, I believe that there is opportunity for expanding chapter membership into smaller states like Vermont. In 2016/2017, I worked on the conference planning committee that brought the Annual ACRL/NEC Conference to Burlington. This event drew many new faces to the conference and expanded the reach and visibility of ACRL/NEC within the state. One of my goals if elected would be to build on the 2017 Annual Conference and help the chapter continue to grow in Vermont in both membership and active participation.
If re-elected, I will continue to represent Vermont's voice within ACRL/NEC and make sure that ACRL/NEC's professional opportunities are well publicized to librarians throughout the state. Vermont and its academic libraries are often small, but its librarians are devoted and passionate. I believe ACRL/NEC is uniquely positioned to provide high-quality professional opportunities that are accessible to these libraries and librarians. Another goal, if elected, would be to reach out more directly to smaller libraries throughout the state and make sure they are aware of all that ACRL/NEC has to offer.
Professional activities
- ACRL/NEC Conference Planning Committee - member, 2017.
- Vermont Library Association Government Relations Committee member, 2014 – 2016.
- Student Affairs Committee, University of Vermont Faculty Senate - member, 2015-present.
- General Education Committee on Writing and Information Literacy, University of Vermont Faculty Senate - member, 2012-2015.
Positions held
- Library Assistant Professor, Information and Instruction Services, Bailey/Howe Library Information and Instruction Services Department, University of Vermont – Burlington, VT: 2012-present
- Master of Library and Information Science, University of Alabama
- Master of Arts in English Literature, University of Vermont
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature; Saint Michael’s College